sâmbătă, 4 iunie 2011

Festivitate de premiere/ Award Ceremony UPDATE

Va invitam luni, 6 Iunie, incepand cu ora 17.00 in Sala de Expozitie a Universitatii de Arhitectura si Urbanism "Ion Mincu" (str. Academiei nr. 18-20, parter) pentru decernarea premiilor si expozitia de proiecte Icoanei 2-8.

We are glad to invite you Monday, 6th of June, starting from 17.00 at the Exhibition Hall in "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism (Academiei street, nr 18-20, ground floor) for the award ceremony and project exhibition.


miercuri, 1 iunie 2011

Festivitate de premiere/ Award Ceremony

Festivitatea de premiere nu va avea loc vineri, 3 iunie asa cum a fost initial planificat, urmand ca data sa fie mutata pentru saptamana viitoare. Raspunsul il voi primi maine si il voi anunta.
Multumesc pentru intelegere!

The award ceremony will not be held Friday, the 3rd of June as initially scheduled. It has been postponed for the next week. As soon as the date is settled, I will make the announcement.
Thank you for understanding!

marți, 31 mai 2011

Winners Announcement

The jury’s decision is next presented as it has been recorded in the official report which has been submitted at the end of the judging process.
The jury has taken into consideration the difficulty of the design brief, as well as its major interest in finding possible means of intervention within the centre of the city, in areas of great cultural values gained in time.
It is to be regretted the small number of submissions despite the fact that public and professional interest in this matter is in reality much higher.
Given the contest idea revealed by the question “What do you place next to Mincu ?”, the jury’s conclusion  is that more than one  approach is possible as long as it responds to the evaluation criteria as a whole.
For the final stage, projects no 23, 27, 34 have been selected. Taking into consideration the fact that none of these projects has convincingly met all evaluation criteria, and at the same time, a series of qualities worth mentioning have been distinguished among these projects, the jury has decided to award three mention awards, bringing the following arguments.
Project no 23
The project has been noticed due to the quality of the architectural insertion within the urban tissue and its contemporary architectural vocabulary. Applying a rigid spatial and functional pattern was, however, considered unjustified and led to the solution’s excessively conditioning.
Project no 27
This project has been noticed for its sensitive urban intervention and its keeping the traditional character of the area. However, the architectural vocabulary was not considered adequate to a contemporary intervention. With regard to the economic efficiency criteria, the solution does not reach its urbanistic potential. (Urbanistic indicators)
Project no 34
The jury has noticed the quality of the solution with regard to functionality, the relationship between old and new, the architectural vocabulary and the quality of the insertion overall. Still, the solution proposed for the corner of the composition was seen as formally exaggerated and not sufficiently justified with regard to functionality.
Project no 23 is assigned to stud.arh.Laia MARTINEZ, stud.arh. Xavier LOZANO SEGARRA – Mention Award
Project no 27 is assigned to autor: intern arh Mihai SULEA. Coauthors: Ruxandra SACALIS, Sabin PURICE – Mention Award
Project no 34 is assigned to intern arh Petru Mihnea DRAGOIU. Colabarator:  arh Matei BOGOESCU – Out of competition
During the following procedures which involve lifting the anonymity and project verification, regulatory violations have been noted with regard to project no 34. Therefore, it has been decided that this project is withdrawn from the competition and will not be awarded a mention award.
Each of the two projects, no 23 and 27, will be awarded a mention award 200 Euro worth.

Proiecte castigatoare

Galerie de proiecte

Decizia juriului va fi prezentata in continuare asa cum a fost consemnata in procesul verbal incheiat la sfarsitul jurizarii.

Juriul a luat in considerare dificultatea temei concursului, dar si interesul sau major pentru gasirea unor solutii posibile de interventie in centrul Bucurestiului, zona cu valori culturale deosebite acumulate in decursul istoriei.
Se regreta, totodata, numarul mic de proiecte predate cu toate ca interesul public si profesional pentru subiectul in sine este unul mult mai mare.
Avand in vedere ideea concursului exprimata prin intrebarea ,,Ce pui langa Mincu?", concluzia jurizarii este ca sunt valabile mai multe tipuri de abordare cu conditia ca intereventia sa raspunda criteriilor de evaluare in totalitatea lor.
Au fost selectate pentru clasificarea finala, proiectele cu numerele de concurs 23, 27, 34. Tinand cont de faptul ca niciunul dintre aceste proiecte nu a raspuns in mod convingator tuturor criteriilor de evaluare, dar fiecare dintre acestea are o serie de calitati care merita scoase in evidenta, juriul a hotarat acordarea a trei mentiuni cu argumentele mai jos mentionate.

Proiectul nr 23
Proiectul a fost remarcat datorita calitatii insertiei in tesutul urban si a unui limbaj arhitectural contemporan. Mai putin jusificata a fost considerata aplicarea unui model spatial-functional rigid care a dus la o conditionare excesiva a solutiei.
Proiectul nr 27
S-a remarcat printr-o intereventie urbana sensibila si cu pastrarea caracterului traditional al zonei. In acelasi timp, limbajul arhitecural nu este adecvat unei insertii contemporane. Din punct de vedere al cerintelor de eficienta economica, solutia se afla sub potentialul urbanistic(indicatori urbanistici)
Proiectul nr 34

Juriul a remarcat calitatea solutiei prin rezolvarea functionala, prin relatia intre elementele vechi si noi, prin calitatea limbajului arhitectural si a insertiei.
Juriul a considera rezolvarea de colt exagerata formal si insuficient justificata functional.

Proiectul nr 23 este atribuit stud.arh.Laia MARTINEZ, stud.arh. Xavier LOZANO SEGARRA - Mentiune
Proiectul nr 27 este atribuit Autor: arh stagiar Mihai SULEA ,Coautori: Ruxandra SACALIS, Sabin PURICE - Mentiune
Proiectul nr 34 este atribuit arh stagiar Petru Mihnea DRAGOIU, colabarator arh Matei BOGOESCU - Retras din concurs

In timpul procedurilor de ridicare a anonimatului si verificarea proiectelor, s-au remarcat abateri regulamentare privind proiectul nr 34. Prin urmare, s-a hotarat retragerea acestui proiect din concurs si retragerea mentiunii acordate de catre juriu.

Celor doua proiecte, nr 23 si nr 27, li se va acorda in parte o mentiune in valoare de 200 Euro.

joi, 19 mai 2011

 Pentru ca arhitectura trebuie sa comunice si contextul inteles in profunzime.Constientizare.

Sambata 21 mai, ora 11, tur ghidat zona istorica Icoanei. Taxa 10 lei pentru sustinerea proiectelor. Punct de plecare: Scoala Centrala.

vineri, 22 aprilie 2011


Primul set de intrebari pus de catre concurenti si raspunsurile lor se afla aici. intrebari/raspunsuri
The first set of questions as well as their answers can be downloaded at answers/questions